I forgot to give you a nephew update. I was so happy with the news that I forgot to pass it on. So, my nephew was able to eat again on Saturday and they let him out of the Mayo Clinic on Sunday! He is resting at his grandparents' home now and hopes to fly home at the end of the week. The one week hospital stay has turned in to a whole month hospital stay but hopefully that is all behind him now and he can live a long cancer-free life.
And for the birdie update, my friend was able to find a big bird cage on craig's list for $125 and the woman, who runs a local bird rescue, dropped it off at work today. It is a nice looking cage and if someone comes to claim the bird I am sure my friend will be able to sell the cage and get her money back. That's one perk of buying used!

Tonight she is sewing curtains for the cage and tomorrow she says she is going back to the pet store to buy bird toys for the cage. Birds are like kids, they get bored with their toys and you have to rotate them out so that the old ones are new again. Her husband called her at work again complaining that the bird was too noisy. He finally put it in a bedroom on the opposite side of the house. This kind of bird needs a tv or music to keep it company but they haven't tried that yet. The bird will be coming to work with her tomorrow to give her husband a break. The boss will be out of the office. And she will be returning the dog that she has been dog-sitting for another co-worker so we will have 2 animals in the office! I said I should bring my cat since everyone else will have a pet, but no, my cat would hate that. It should be another interesting day for sure.
I also learned that foster homes are needed for exotic birds. I did not know that. I have heard of fostering children, horses, dogs and cats but never birds. One of the things I would like to do in the future is to foster something. I'm not sure what. If it is a child then I will need a real home. If it is a horse I will need a corral. And fostering anything will require money so I will just keep saving until I decide what I want to do.
Good news on your nephew, short and long term both!
There is so much out there that needs fostering. Makes me sad to think about it.
I know, every time I see a foster opportunity I want to take it home, whatever it is!
Recent college graduates sometimes need foster care. You can clean up after them, feed them, and they provide you with beautiful piano music late into the night. Oh. You have to provide the piano.
I was a foster-grad too. Thank goodness for family.
So glad to hear your nephew is doing well!
Good nephew news! Big get well to him.
Foster plants first. Ever heared of "guerilla gardening"?
Sounded fun to me, too bad I am such an un-gardener type.
Thanks Petunia, we are all relieved. It seemed like he would never get out of the hospital.
Ha KoBold! Foster plants? Only if they have a death wish. Guerilla gardening wouldn't work too well out here. Nothing would grow without a shade cover and drip system! And then the animals would eat it. There is a group that rescues cactus before the developers scrape the desert before building. Not as much need any more since building has pretty much stopped.
Is fostering rocks a far out idea?
KoBold, I am excellent at fostering rocks! I train them to sit in a line on each side of my drive way and around the cactus. They are cheap to feed and only need a bath once in a while which is usually done by the rain. I have even managed to get a some of my rocks adopted as landscape accents by a rock-less couple!
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