Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Drama-Free Day

I am happy to report that there was no unusual drama today. That is a very good thing. Life is getting back to normal. The weekend is coming up and I am actually thinking about painting my shed (I still haven't done it). Now that the extra house furnishings that were stored in my mobile home are back in my rental house, I can begin some serious organization. But it isn't the weekend yet. Tonight I think I will go to bed early.


Over the Cubicle Wall said...

You deserve a drama free day and good night's sleep after all you have done.

I still gotta walk the dog, but she and I both enjoy that.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great day. You definately deserve it.

Sharon said...

Hi there-a well deserved day too, excellent news!!

Daizy said...

Over The Cubicle Wall, you walk the dog in the dark? I'm glad my cat doesn't have to be walked. Maybe she should, she's getting fat.

Debtfree2009, thanks. The lack of sleep was finally catching up with me.

Hi Sharon Rose, hopefully all of the excitement is over for now. I am looking forward to sleeping in this weekend.

Over the Cubicle Wall said...

Street lights in the City, so it is not real dark. She is a pound puppy, and when I got her she had been abused for a while. Not real good with people, and particularly strangers, so I try to wait to walk her until later in the evening when no one is out. She gets real spooked a lot of times when we do see somebody.