Sunday, October 5, 2008

More Housing Thoughts

As I was falling asleep last night, I was picturing how I would move in a new manufactured home, move out my old mobile home and where I would put my RV. At first I thought that the new one would go next to the old one where my RV is now and my RV would have to go somewhere else temporarily. Then I would move my stuff out of the old one and in to the new. That's where it hit me...I can't move in to a new house if I am going to rent it out. Ok, that means I need a storage container.

I saw one of these mobile minis across the street in a neighbor's yard. I went to the website and put in info for a quote. Maybe I'll hear from them tomorrow. If the rent is reasonable I can move my things out of the old mobile home (and picture myself living inside a storage container!).Whether I decide to get a new home or renovate the old one, I will still need some place to put my stuff where it is protected from bugs and pack rats.

I am re-thinking my refurbishing plan for my old mobile home instead of buying a new/used one. As Over The Cubicle Wall reminded me, the depreciation on manufactured homes can be drastic. My old 1980 mobile home has pretty much depreciated as much as it can. My previous plan, a couple of months ago, was that I would fix up the mobile home, sell my RV and move in myself, but that plan didn't make financial sense. But if I fixed up the mobile home for $10,000 and rented it out for $550, I could get my money back in 2 years and then it would add additional income for my semi-retirement plan. This plan wouldn't help out my renters much except that I could hire the husband to do some construction work. I don't think that he would want to move his family in to a 2 bedroom 1 bath mobile home (but I would offer the option).

That's just another one of my many plans. I want to do the one that has the least stress, work, disruption and financial risk because who knows if my company will have to lay people off in the near future. I have more research to do!


Over the Cubicle Wall said...


Thanks for the link. The Clayton Homes headquarters is just down the way from me. I am always surprised to see how far reaching his mobile homes are. Jim

Daizy said...

You are welcome. The high-end homes are amazing inside. I went in a couple of them. I think they were $110k, but if I'm going to pay that much, I want a site built home!