I listed 5 items last week and disappointingly, only one sold. The collectible cars just aren't selling now and the fact that it costs $10 to ship them is a big deterrent for people. Perhaps I will have better luck selling them on craigslist or at my spring garage sale. I originally intended to sell the cars at the local swap meet but I'm a big scaredy-cat when it comes to doing new things like that...it's part of my ISTJ personality, really. Plus the fact that I don't have anyone to give me a bathroom break makes the swap meet seem unattractive. It is also depressing to sell my treasured possessions for really really low prices. People just don't have the money to be buying extra stuff right now. I wonder if I should just hold on to it for a little while until people start buying again...or is that just an excuse to hold on to my stuff? Ah, I have an idea! Everyone is getting a Nascar diecast car for Christmas! Unfortunately, no one in my family is a Nascar fan. Now if they were footballs...
I have a few other items that might help me reach my $500 goal. An expensive watch that I won and a brand new water heater that I never hooked up. I have a copy of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace book too. I watched one sell on Ebay for 99 cents. That's not even worth the trouble. Perhaps I should give it away in a contest on my blog. At least that would be fun!
Thats the problem when the economy isnt doing so well, no one has cash avilable for luxuries.
I would stash them away for another time when you can get good money for them. They will be worth more in the long run anyway because you keep them boxed and pristine.
Have a nice weekend
I use Half.com to sell my books. Dave's book is going for 12.99 (brand new) or 9.99 (like new) currently so you might want to try that and hopefully get more than 99 cents :)
Try listing them on on the Craigslist nearest the driver's hometown. Or on Craigslist in areas where NASCAR is real popular. Especially after the driver has won a race, and is fresh in the sports page.
Those die casts are pretty popular where I live now (Knoxville), but when I lived in New Orleans, I can't remember ever seeing one. I don't know about where you live, but states like North Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama would seem to have pretty big markets for that kind of collectible. Good luck.
Thanks for all the tips. I think I will put them away for another time. It is discouraging to see my stuff sell for such a low price right now. I don't really need the money so I'm not desperated enough to sell for any price. I'll look around for other things to sell locally. Shipping is just outrageous right now.
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