I decided to do it. I listed my sewing machine and serger on Craig's List. It's the end of my sewing dynasty. It wasn't much of a dynasty really. I still don't know how to sew. I had big dreams and spent over $1000 on a sewing machine, serger, embroidery machine and all of the accessories. I had a nice sewing room set up at my house. But then my goals changed and retiring early became more important than my sewing hobby. I moved to my RV and the sewing stuff sat unused and unloved. It's time to find them a new home where they will be useful. I am sad to see them go but I really only used a straight stitch and a zigzag stitch. I have a basic machine that can do that which was a gift. I'll keep that one just in case the sewing bug hits me again.

Next time I feel like starting up a hobby I am going to check out used items on Craig's List first before I buy from a store. That way it won't be so painful when I re-sell them later.
This is a biggie for me. I like making things in a tidy space. It's easy with knitting, I can knit anywhere so I tend to plonk myself down somewhere tidy. With sewing I like to tidy up my table before I start and sometimes this task takes all my sewing time. read more
Ohhh no are you not going to get a replacement? I had to sell my old one recently and got a new one from sewingmachineexperts, I was gutted to part with my old sewing machine though.
Great! my blog
Haha. I love your cat!
I think for minor basic household sewing and mending that this little machine would be great for beginner and intermediate sewers and quilters alike. stethoscope reviews
I see you are teaching your cat to sew. As a beginner myself I guess we are same skill level
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