Sunday, December 2, 2007

Weekend Project-Airbrushing Flames

Here's my first try at flames. It got kind of muddy because I was using tranparent paint. I should have bought some opaque yellow so it would show up.
Here's my second try. I tried to make it more spread out so that it didn't blend together.
Then I remembered that I had some opaque white paint so I added some highlights. Actually, a lot of highlights. It's just practice anyway. The white was thick and clogged the airbrush avery few minutes. Quite frustrating.
After I cleaned the airbrush for the millionth time I thought my flames would look better if I added yellow over the white so that it blended a little bit better.

I like my first and second try but it doesn't really look like the pictures I was trying to copy so I will keep trying. At least my airbrush is getting some use.

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