My realtor came by to take the lock box away and remove the for-sale sign today. It feels like a chapter has closed. My soon-to-be-here guests emailed to remind me that I need to connect the phone again. I was prepared for the added bill, almost $30 after all those taxes are added, but I forgot about the $30 phone connection fee. Yikes. At least the monthly internet fee went down by $5 since I started the phone. That's not a lot but evey little bit helps. Hopefully I will get more renters soon who will pay my added expenses.
My realtor called me at work when she was at the house taking down the sign. It seems she spotted some termite tubes on my house! It is always something. Guess it's time to call the exterminator again. I think my house is still under the termite warranty. I am hoping it won't cost me extra. I really need to do a better job keeping up with the maintenance around here. I started letting things slide when I was trying to sell it, hoping that it wouldn't be my problem any more. I need to make a list and budget these expenses. Let's see, I need to get the AC checked, the garage door oiled, the place sprayed for termites, the paint is peeling on the trim, hopefully that is all for now. By the time I try to sell my house again I know I'm going to need new carpet. I might as well start planning for that now.
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