Monday, June 7, 2010

No Nasty Surprises

I expected the worst when I came home today. My make-shift doggy door was sure to be destroyed or the dogs locked inside with horrible stuff smeared on the floor. I drove up and all 3 dogs ran out to greet me. Maybe they had locked themselves out of the living room. I went around front and they were all there. I walked inside and everything was in order.
The hall door was still propped open with the bricks, the bungee cord was still keeping the door closed except for a 10 inch gap and the towel was even still attached to the wall and door to keep the cool air in as much as possible. And it was even cool in the living room so the dogs had a refuge from the 105 degree heat. I'm so glad it worked. I hope it works for the rest of the week until I can make a proper doggy door.

I am doing what I was hoping to avoid this summer, air conditioning the RV for the cat and the mobile home for the dogs. But the new dog brought kennel cough from the pound and all 3 dogs are sick. I don't want to expose my cat to that. The dogs have another week of antibiotics. Oh, and did you know that you can request a prescription from the vet and get it filled at your normal pharmacy? Most pet drugs are human drugs too and it is a lot cheaper to get it filled at the pharmacy than to get it from the vet. That is very good to know.

I am using my netbook now because I did not have another connector for my phone cord. That makes switching from the RV to mobile home a lot more difficult. The dogs think it is great that they get to hang out with me while I write on my blog (I used to write on my blog in the RV). I am sitting on the bed and using the countertop as a desk while the dogs lounge around. Since I shower over here too I only have to go over to the RV in the morning to get ready for work, oh, and I still have all of my food over there so If I want anything other than dog biscuits I have to go get it. Little steps. Eventually, I will have everything moved over and I can get the RV ready to sell.


Scarlett said...

A lot of human medications and animal medications really are the same--I knew a vet's daughter who took animal meds instead of human if she needed, say, antibiotics. Not that I'm recommending that...

Big Sis said...

Isn't there a vaccination for kennel cough or something? It's sad that the foster dogs all have to get sick when a new one comes in. :(

Daizy said...

Working Rachel, I did think of that. I looked up what illnesses they worked for and the dosage. I hope I never get that desperate but it is good to know. :)

Daizy said...

Big Sis, I got both of my dogs vaccinated the week before but it takes 2 weeks for full immunity. Since the last dog that I got from the pound wasn't sick, even though they said she was, I was hoping I would get one that wasn't sick again. It didn't work. At least I have enough meds for all of them. Next time maybe they will be immune.