I'm still here! Yes, I moved in with mother and everything has been on over-drive ever since. I have a lot to catch up on but I am trying to type this on my little phone. My home computer is stuck in an automatic repair loop of death. My job has picked up speed, I have to go to our plant in Mexico twice a week now. They are going to buy me a laptop which should be here at the end of the month so I guess that is good because I won't have to replace my desktop computer just yet. Oh, and our IT guy at work said he would help me recover my data.
Mom and the dogs. |
Anyway, I wanted you all to know I am alive and well and I hope to post a real update soon.
Mum looks happy with her little buddies :)
Nice top-of-the-head shot of your mom. Glad to see you are still alive. Get that PC home fixed so you can get back to normal. What about all of your properties, you real estate tycoon?!
Awww, that one dog is gazing at your mom adoringly.
I hope your computer issues solve fast and good that you moved in with mom so she can help with the dogs during your busy busy time. Glad to hear an update.
Too bad it didn't last.
Update post today! Too bad I'm still computer-less.
Hi Kim! I really hoped she might like hanging out with the dogs but she banished them to my side after her furniture came over. Too bad.
Thanks, anonymous. I can't believe how busy it has been.I never dreamed how much work would need to be done. Maybe I can relax next year.
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