Friday, July 17, 2015

Final Countdown

Tomorrow is the LAST SATURDAY before we have to move in next Thursday.  I think I am hyperventilating a little bit.  My focus will be on the fence because it must be done so that the dogs don't escape.  I'm also planning to take a half day off so that I can work on stuff next Friday.  The dogs will only be alone for 5 hours and I will be there when my nephew comes home from school.  Then we can jump in the car and go back to the house and figure out how to make things more comfortable and convenient.  My bedroom only has a mattress on the floor at this point.  I still need a bedframe and either a boxspring or plywood.  Hopefully, the roof won't leak and hopefully, no other major calamities will happen although my car seems to be over-heating again.  Maybe I can work from home one day while I take it to the mechanic.  I was hoping to have left over money to start working on the barn-shed but that won't happen for a couple of months if my car starts acting up.

Sorry for the short post.  My head is spinning with to-do lists and priorities and I must go to bed so I can make the most of tomorrow.


Lizzie@her MFW Homeworld said...

Should be fine as long as you have water and electricity. Oh, you dont have water you say?.......

Kim said...

Hope you have a productive weekend and that the car cooperates.

Daizy said...

Lizzie, the nephew is starting to realize what it will mean to him to not have a working bathroom. He asked if he should "go" outside. Ha, no, we can still flush, we just have to manual fill it. Hopefully I will have it hooked up soon. Not today though. I am exhausted.

Daizy said...

Lizzie, the nephew is starting to realize what it will mean to him to not have a working bathroom. He asked if he should "go" outside. Ha, no, we can still flush, we just have to manual fill it. Hopefully I will have it hooked up soon. Not today though. I am exhausted.

Daizy said...

Thanks, Kim! The car was ok today but I had to add coolant yesterday and that seems odd. Got a lot done today but never enough.

Dobermom said...

I'm sure there will be "kinks" along the way, but you can do it! You are amazing at what you do!