Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Moving To Civilization

A while back, one of my commenters asked about the difference between where I live now and where I am moving to. Well, here is a little visual aid.

This is where I live now. Most people have 3 acres and a manufactured home. There is a lot of desert between the houses. Plenty of room for dogs but also plenty of room for rattlesnakes!

This is where I am moving to. The suburbs. Shared walls, paved streets, swimming pools, and plenty of neighbors to annoy when my dogs bark.

I hope I can adjust to living close to people again. I certainly don't want to spend the next few years feuding with my neighbors.


Dave said...

Still plenty of room for "Snakes on a Daizy" LOLOLOLOLOL.....

I hope your neighbors won't be overly annoyed if your dogs bark a lot and wish you could return to the middle of nowhere...... :(

Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

You existing property is actually a lot closer to neighbours than I imagined.

I don't remember you ever mentioning a love of loud music so, yep, barking is likely to be the thing. Then barking whilst you are at work and when you have new dogs arriving that don't understand the rules!

Bridgette said...

I'm sure you'll get along with them just fine. Especially at night, then you could just tell them it was coyotes!

Daizy said...

There better not be any snakes at my new house! Can I put that in the contract somewhere?

Daizy said...

Exactly Lizzie. Everyone is going to have to get a no-bark collar as a moving in gift.

Daizy said...

Bridgette, at least at night I can lock them inside. I'm afraid during the day they will start a neighborhood doggie telegraph like on 101 Dalmations!