Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My First Offer

Well, I did it. I put in my first offer on a house. I've never done that before. Last time the house was not even built yet and the prices were set in stone so I didn't have to go through this process. I am offering $20k less than the asking price and made it contingent on the installation of a water heater so that I can get a conventional loan. I don't think Fannie Mae will go for it. Everyone tells me that they absolutely won't do any improvements. That's fine. I will know by Monday what their answer is. If it is no then I will just keep looking.

There is this other property that I totally want for ONLY $270K. It is a modest ranch style home on 5 acres with a barn and corrals. What makes it so great is that it is close to town and an easy commute to work. It would be a perfect spot for a no-kill shelter. I just need a grant writer to whip me up a nice grant for the property, improvements and some employees. Or maybe some investors. Make that benefactors. I don't think investors would be interested since there really isn't a return on their investment.

Ok, I don't really want that. I like my old dog sanctuary idea better on the property that I already have. Maybe some day that will happen.


Anonymous said...

Hi Daizy - ever heard of Utopia Rescue Ranch here in Texas? Kinky Friedman -- writer, musician, humorist, and all-around great Texan -- has a place in Medina. Utopia has benefactors large and small. Thought you might like to check it out, get some ideas: www.utopiarescue.com

Britta in Texas

Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

Good luck with everything!!

Daizy said...

Britta, thanks for the web site. That was very interesting. I need a charismatic figure like Kinky to raise money for me. It is also interesting that they live in a mobile home and have all those dogs. I guess the dogs stay outside. There weren't a lot of pictures of the grounds.

Daizy said...

Thanks Lizzie!