My realtor emailed me a newly listed house today. She is very excited about it. There are only pictures of the outside of the house because there are tenants inside but my realtor thinks the yard it fantastic.
It does seem kind of big and there is some grass or at least green weeds. I don't know that I would call it "fantastic". It is a short sale and those can drag on and on forever. She said that the listing agent has been able to complete 6 out of 6 short sales that he has represented. And it only takes 3 or 4 months! Gee, I wonder how long it takes for a slow short sale.

It does seem kind of big and there is some grass or at least green weeds. I don't know that I would call it "fantastic". It is a short sale and those can drag on and on forever. She said that the listing agent has been able to complete 6 out of 6 short sales that he has represented. And it only takes 3 or 4 months! Gee, I wonder how long it takes for a slow short sale.
If it isn't snapped up by someone else I will go look at it on Sunday along with 10 or so others that I picked out in my 3rd choice location. I don't know this area very well so hopefully I will feel safe there and maybe I'll even see some "fantastic" houses.
I found your blog from a post in 2008 talking about a shipping container home that you wanted to bury. What happend to that idea? I'm at the same point now looking at land and burying a container.
Our Zoning department killed my dream. I called them and they said that shipping containers aren't allowed on residential property in our county. I didn't want to put a lot of money and work in to something that I might have to get rid of if one of my neighbors complained.
Your right, it was really fantastic. I like the simplicity of this post and for me it was a cool property to have. I love it. Thank you for sharing this cool post. Keep posting.
Charles A
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