Sunday, May 1, 2011

Getting Through The Day

Today was another dog day. A four hour adoption event some how gets dragged in to an all day thing. No adoptions for me and I am actually dog sitting for another foster.

He is a yorkie mix dog like my own Toto. I'll probably have him until Saturday and I am going to take him to work with me tomorrow...of course.

When I got home I got on Facebook as usual and saw all the comments about Bin Laden's death. How peculiar it is that I get my news from Facebook now. I went to the CNN news site to read the details. I am sure it is more exciting on TV news but I don't watch much TV news these days.

I'm going to bed now because it is late and I have to get up earlier because little puppies mean more work in the morning. I put them in a smaller plastic crate tonight instead of the larger wire one. Hopefully it will mean an easier clean up job in the morning.


KoBold said...

Bin Laden died?
Oh my, am I getting my news from frugal blogs?!

Daizy said...

KoBold, I think that is even worse that getting your news from Facebook.

KoBold said...

Although there is always even lower...