I cleaned out the bathroom where the last litter of puppies was and set it up for her tonight. I have plenty of donated towels, sheets, and blankets and my puppy-nanny said she will help me by doing my laundry again which is awesome. The pound said she was a Sharpei/Rottie mix but I think Sharpei/Shepherd or something else because her ears stand straight up and both Sharpeis and Rotties have folded ears. She reminds me of a South American Capybara, those giant rat-like creatures, especially since she is round in the middle.
Hopefully she will wait to have her puppies in the evening when I get home from work and all will go well.
More pupies!?! The last one's must have all gone pretty quick if your after more already.
Well done, grandma Daizy!
She is so cute! Hope all the puppies are healthy and mom recovers quickly.
And you're a Rottie Softie!
Hmmm...a lot of anonymous comments. Interesting. the other puppies found homes in 2 days but I think them being available around Christmas helped a lot.
No puppies yet tonight. that is good because I want the mom to get well first.
I am not convinced she has Rottie in her because her ears stand up straight. I do like black and tan though.
I was actually a little sad that the puppies got new homes so fast. They were just starting to come out and play.
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