That was not a pretty sight. I thought one day they might tear up the edges where the flooring didn't reach all the way to the wall but I never thought they would just tear in to the middle. It would be difficult to patch the area with more vinyl flooring because there would be a lot of loose edges. I decided to use some of the vinyl tiles leftover from the rental house. The tiles are sticky on the back but not sticky enough to stay flat so I nailed them down. Maybe the dogs will forget what they did to the floor and won't repeat it if they can't see it.

It's an awkward fix but it works for now. The dirt is going to gather around the edges and make sweeping more of a chore but at least the hole is gone. I couldn't believe the dogs did this. I even left them a big bowl of water outside to play in but they didn't touch it. I guess they made their own fun with my floor instead.
Don't blame the flooring choice. It was reasonable under the circumstances. Maybe get rid of the dogs?
One (or all) of them doesn't know how good he has it.
I would say you may as well buy the cheap stuff. No matter how much you pay, they will get it.
Anonymous, I wouldn't get rid of the dogs. They are my entertainment. Before the dogs I was watching 50% more TV. They are expensive but at least they are mentally stimulating. They are always presenting me with challenges!
Over the Cubicle, they are punishing me for not letting them chase the bunnies.
Anonymous, I think the thicker flooring would have lasted a little longer. This cheap stuff is like plastic covered cardboard. The vinyl tiles that I used to cover the hole are really sturdy but I didn't want to use them because of the seams.
If you had little children and left them alone, they would be worse.
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