I checked my 401k today. It is slowly rising again. I was looking at the hardship qualifications for withdrawing money. Seems that I wouldn't qualify to withdraw money to pay off my rental house. A hardship would be if my primary residence was going in to foreclosure. And then I would only be able to take out enough to save it from the bank. Anyway, I think I am past the point of needing to cash in my 401k to pay off my house. I only owe $21k so I could almost scrape that together by selling the RV and a few other things. Still, seeing that chunck of money in my 401k is tempting...especially on a bad work day.
But tomorrow is Friday and that is always a good day. One more day until the weekend!
Daizy, please do NOT take money from your 401(k) to pay off your mortgage. That should be a last resort if you were facing foreclosure. Your 401(k) is for when you turn 60, not to tap into now. You would pay taxes and (possibly) penalties and lose the tax-free growth.
You have made good progress on your mortgage in the last few months. If you can't prepay any principal for a month, don't fret.
When we go to a local lake for vacation, husband takes our laptop with us and uses that to play movies on their larger t.v. He uses their t.v. as a monitor. He plays it on the computer, but we watch it on the t.v. He just uses a few cables (a vga cable for sure) and we see whatever is playing on the laptop. I will get the info from him and comment again when I have more on what you would need.
Nice to dream about those things. It is less stressful for sure to have a backup option/plan.
Don't worry Dave, it was only a back-up plan I had in case I lost my job. My 401k is my back-up retirement plan now. I'm not counting on it but it will be nice to have later on. If I could get at it penalty free though it would be very tempting to use it to speed up my plan.
6kids4me, that would be interesting to know. I'm not sure it would work with a netbook, it doesn't have many connection points but it would be cool if it worked.
Yep, Over the Cubicle, gotta look at every scenerio just in case. It's easier to go to work knowing I could escape if I wanted to.
If you had speakers for your old computer they should work fine, just plug them into your headphone jack on your netbook! No fancy cables needed. Can even plug them into an mp3 player.
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