Another weekend gone. How do they fly by so fast? I know, because I take a nice long nap at least one of the days. My nap day was today. By the time I got the dogs loaded up and drove to my sister's house it was after 4. The kids did a great job of tiring out the dogs again then we had dinner and I went home. Now I am coloring my hair and boiling noodles for this week's lunches. It is a short week because Friday is a holiday...finally, my first holiday of the year.
I really need to keep working on moving in to my mobile home next weekend. Summer will be here before I know it and then I will be running multiple air conditioners if I haven't finished moving. Maybe next weekend I can take some time to set up a kitchen area. Then I need to finish waterproofing the shower and move over the computer, oh and move over my clothes, and don't forget the cat. That sounds like more than one weekend's worth of work. Ok then, first set up kitchen. One step each weekend should get me ready to move in by May.
Definitely don't forget Kitty!
Yes, poor kitty. I need to build her some hiding places. Too bad she is too fat to jump. I was going to make her a kitty door on the countertop but I would need a ramp to get her up there and there is no room!
Could the dogs help Kitty in getting into shape for jumping?
(Just kidding, and I am a cat person anyway.)
KoBold, just my luck the dogs would stress kitty out and I'd end up with a $400 vet bill. that happened once before when kitty got too stressed.
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