Another rainy Sunday. Rain really puts a damper on my motivation. My parents and I did get to the hardware store and they helped me pick out a drain for my shower. I'll have to wait until next weekend to try to hook it all up...assuming it doesn't rain again. I also introduced my parents to the local library so they could pick up some DVDs to watch.
I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already. It's too soon. I'm not ready for another week. I'll probably take another half day next Friday so at least I have that to look forward to.
Well, we actually had full on sunshine yesterday and today for a change. It has been one dreary Winter.
I know, I'm spoiled. But my parents actually said, "if it's this cold here we might as well be back home". Ack! No! Tucson needs to control its weather better if it expects to woo more snowbirds.
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