Thursday, February 18, 2010

Treading Water

Ahh, Thursdays, my favorite night. One more day until the weekend, I get to watch The Office and Bones, and I get to wear jeans tomorrow. Actually it's the Olympics today and that is interesting too, or at least it would be if that channel would quit saying "No Signal". Ah, digital TV. It's supposed to be so much better. At least with analog I could still watch a show through the static.

Work was ok today. I actually got a few things accomplished and I can see some of my desk again. The only problem is that for every one thing that I get done, I have to ignore 10 other things. I have had a few jobs where I have been so overwhelmed that I did everything badly. My first job was at a pet store. It sounded fun but it most certainly was not. All I did was feed and clean and chase the puppies, then get yelled at because things were not clean enough. That job only lasted a month before I quit. Then there was the nurse's aide job. That time I was supposed to clean and feed and chase 12 elderly residents. I think that lasted 2 months. I was never happier to quit a job than that job.

At least with my current job no lives are in danger...well, not directly. We make parts that go in washing machine timers as well as many other things. If anyone has been harmed by their washing machine timer...IT WASN'T MY FAULT! I do the best that I can with the information I have. Of course I could be more organized. Everyday I hope to get organised. Instead I settle for cleaning off the space in front of my keyboard. If that area is clear then I am doing well. It's kind of like treading water. I hope I can keep treading until I have earned enough money to keep myself afloat without all of the struggling. That is the goal in the end. Only a few more years of treading water and I'm sure I'll get to that point.


Over the Cubicle Wall said...

It's funny how being busy at work is good, but once it gets to hectic it is awful. A couple of more years and you can make your own schedule.

I was excited about the Office too. I had already forgotten the Olympics were on instead.

Daizy said...

I think work is like Frogger. It's ok as long as you make it to the other end, hesitate and you get squashed. Either way it's very stressful!

At least Bones was on and the channel was cooperating today. Friday TV is very bad. Maybe there will be an obscure movie on the THIS channel.

KoBold said...

I like bones too.
Keep on treading. Job or not, there is always more to do than the available number of hands and time.

KoBold said...

I mean Bones.

Andy Hough said...

Digital TV hasn't been an improvement for me either. I'm thinking of getting rid of the TV and just watching Netflix or shows on other sites on my laptop.

Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

You are progressing just fine. It want be long until you are looking back at the job and laughing. Big Bones fan here too. We had a double session last night. Superb!

Daizy said...

Kobold, I was a little worried there when you said 'bones'. ;)

Daizy said...

Andy, I know, having to get up and move the box around all the time is really annoying. When I get a faster computer I'll probably quit watching the old tv too.

Daizy said...

Lizzie, that will be great when the job is just a distant memory. For now it is just a distant dream.