One thing that annoys me about craig's list is trying to coordinate with strangers. It takes patience to arrange a time and place when everyone is available. One guy called me 3 times and I finally offered to drive the water heater across town tonight so that I could finish the sale. It took $10 in gas and and hour and a half of my time but I am happy the water heater is with someone who can use it. And I have $180 to put towards my $500 goal. Not a bad start. Once I get my kayak money I will be almost there.
Why not charge for delivery?
Good work. And it sounds like work. I have a $500 goal of sold stuff this year too, but I am currently at $0. :(
Thanks for the reminder.
KoBold, Some people charge for delivery but I just wanted it to be gone. I'm not a very shrewd salesperson.
Over the Cubicle, only 4 months left! Get selling! Can I bring my stuff to your house for a garage sale? I have lots of little stuff.
If you run the garage sale and promise to deal with all the people who want to offer 10 cents for something marked 15 cents, then bring it on over :p
Over the Cubicle, cool, this weekend then.
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