There weren't too many critters under the hot tub cover. Just a few unfortunate lizards and one of these giant desert centipedes. He was about 7 inches long.

I used the hot tub water for my baby mesquite tree. I transplanted one little aloe plant last year to see if it could survive and so far it is still alive. I want the aloes to grow around the bottom of the tree like the aloes around my desert willow tree. They shade the ground and keep the soil from drying out.

My desert willow is doing great. The aloes are keeping it cool and keep the water from evaporating too fast. I have lots of aloes around the property. They get brown and crispy in the summer. The ones around the bottom of the willow are looking happy since I give them water once a week.
In a few months, after the monsoons, the aloes will look like this again. All green and very happy.

So, all of my trees have been watered. It felt so luxurious to have running water from the hose. It's funny how we forget about little luxuries like running water when it is at out finger tips. Some day when I figure out where my house is going to be, I'll have a grey water system that waters my plants for me and a larger rainwater collection system so that I have excess when I need it to water my trees or even...do I dare? wash my car? Now that would be a luxury. :)
Only 90?! :)
Water is a great luxury. I have never lived anywhere where it was scarce, so it is hard to relate to only 12 inches a year. We get almost 50 inches here.
Just last night it rained buckets for about an hour and a half. It rained a little more this afternoon.
I know, only 90. I was starting to feel dizzy so I had to bail out. It's 96 now. Maybe in 3 hours it will start cooling down and I can go for a walk. All the plants and animals have adapted well. It's the people who have trouble although I like to think I am adapting. But take away my AC and I'd die. The people who were out here before AC were the really tough ones.
Just started raining again here...
I definitely use the air when it is in the 90's. Usually even when it is in the mid or upper 80's.
It has been in the 90's here the last two days. I played cards at a friends house last night, and he pretty much never uses the air. Everyone else (me included) was dripping sweat.
Ew...sticky cards. At least I have a dry heat, until it starts raining, then it gets humid but not as bad as you eastern people.
I love 90degress but only when its a holiday and there is a lot of swimming in the sea availabl not for 'real life'. I wanted to tell you that I checked with my son about plugging peripheral equipment into those mini laptop things and his can take screen, keyboard etc.
Hi Lizzie, today was 101 but no swimming in site. Does your son have a docking station for his laptop or can a monitor and keyboard plug in directly? I looked on the laptops at work and they used docking stations. I'm not sure if those mini-netbooks have docking stations. I think I should actually go in a store and look around.
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