Friday, May 22, 2009

Coupons And Chores

I don't usually get in to coupons. I don't get the Sunday paper and I buy the same stuff over and over again when it's on sale. But I found this website Deal Seeking Mom and I started to look at the deals that other people get. Walgreens had a $5 off of a $25 purchase coupon and since I have been putting off some drugstore purchases I decided to print out the coupon to get $5 off. One of the items that I picked up had a Register Reward of $5. I continued to shop and then thought, why am I trying to buy everything on my list when I can come back tomorrow, get the rest of the items and use my $5 reward? I can see how people get hooked. By combining the rewards, rebates and sales I could get a lot of stuff for little money. I don't need all of that stuff so if I was to play the game I would do what some people do and give the excess to a shelter.

Another place that keeps sending me $5 coupons is Ace Hardware. It isn't hard to think of something to buy there but if I am not careful it is very easy to spend a lot more money than I had planned. I should keep a list of staple items to stock up on whenever I find a good coupon.

This weekend I have more clean up and organization planned. If I really get in to it I'll list stuff on craig's list, ebay and freecycle. This is probably the last weekend of relatively cool weather so I should finish painting my shed. I made up a whole list of projects. I definitely won't run out of things to do.

For those wondering how my nephew is doing, he is still in the hospital recovering from surgery. We had hoped he would get out today but the doctors wanted to do more tests. I hope he get the gifts that I sent tomorrow. Maybe they will cheer him up.

Have a good weekend everyone!


Over the Cubicle Wall said...

From what I have heard from people who get into coupons, you would need another shed to keep all of that stuff.

Have a good weekend, and best to your nephew!

Big Sis said...

Wishing you were here!! If I had a magic transporter...

Daizy said...

Over the Cubicle Wall, I know, I have enough stuff. If I was really bored and unemployed I could do it for charity I guess.

Daizy said...

Big Sis, you didn't even get use of their magic transporter for $80k??? What kind of school is that?