The problem was that the utility companies required a big deposit even though she had service with them at the other house. I thought maybe she was being punished for the unpaid utility bills from the last tenants so I called the electric company. They were requiring a $300! deposit. The customer service agent told me that the deposit is based on 2 times the average bill for the house. Last year, the average bill was $175 so the deposit should have actually been a little bit higher. So, my new renters aren't being punished for the unpaid bills of the last tenants but they are suffering the consequences of:
8 people (or more) living in the house and using electricity
Grow lights (whether for the terrarium or to grow illegal substances, or both)
A jacuzzi that they had for 2 months last summer (they admitted that it added $100 on to their bill)
I had no idea the new tenants would have to pay so much. At least they will get the money back after a year. My tenant dropped off half of the furniture money today and said that they were settling in and quite happy with the house. I am glad that they were undaunted by the little hurdles put before them and I hope they will be happy there for many years.
There's always something more to pay, it seems. Good sign that they have paid for part of the furniture already.
Yes, I have to admit I was a little worried because of past experience with the other people. These people seem very responsible though. Perhaps they will restore my faith in people.
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