Sunday, January 11, 2009

Putting The House Back Together

Here's a short run-down of the progress on my trashed rental.

-Neighbor scrubbed the oven all day. It might actually look like new when she is finished.

-Bought shop-vac for carpets. $80 but it does a good job.

-Tried my carpet cleaner. First 3 rooms cleaned up pretty well but now they smell like wet dog and pee. Some stains won't come out (looks like Kool-aid?). Carpet guy will give estimate tomorrow or tell me to buy new carpet.

-Could not find anyone to take car without title. Car mysteriously ended up on the street in a no parking zone (I know nothing!). I called the police to give the offending car a ticket and tow.

-Bought strong smelling laundry detergent (lavender and vanilla) and dryer sheets and washed curtains all day. At least the hallway by the laundry room smelled good :)

-Discovered microwave and couch need to be replaced. I might have a couch to use, gotta buy another microwave.

-Started freaking out because everywhere I look there is another time consuming chore and time is running out. Even the smallest thing like dusting is a major job because it isn't ordinary dust it's drug soot.

-Found another crack pipe in a tinkerbell purse.

-Have a good lead on an adoptive family for the fish. I hope they can pick them up soon.

-Helpers coming tomorrow to take more stuff to the dump and start painting etc...

I was hoping not to have to take time off from work but I think I will have to. I need to buy curtains, bedding, dishware and other stuff and I can't really send someone else to do it. And I can't bring stuff in until the paint and carpet are cleaned or re-done. That's what is stressing my out at the moment but at least it looks a little bit more like my old house again.


Anonymous said...

What a day! It's great that you've got some help :)

Lucy said...

I'm still so sorry you're having to go through this, but I know you'll make it! It sounds like you have wonderful neighbors and friends to help you get this all finished.

Good idea on tackling that car issue ;)

Sallie's Niece said...

Oh man Daizy I'm sorry this has been such a nightmare for you. Great idea about the car!

Anonymous said...

I like the car "fix".

Also, you sound much better today. Glad you are getting things together.

Sharon said...

Hi there-very well done for sorting all this out and turning a horrible situation around.

Living Creekside said...

Sounds like you doing a great job, the house will be spiffed up before you know it...Glad you found a home for the fish and the car hehehe....

Anonymous said...

I just got caught up in reading your entire rental fiasco and, not to sound insensitive I hope, but it reinforced my feeling that I don't think I ever truly want to be a landlord. I might go against that feeling, however.

I don't mean to leave spam but I am just starting my blog and I would like a few people to consider adding me as a favorite or a follower or whatever so I can get started hanging out with all of you fine people trying to do the same thing I'm trying to do. I have worked hard on setting up the blog, so would you consider looking at it and reading my introductory post (today's - even though there are two posts prior)? Thanks and I promise never to leave you an off-topic comment again. I've been enjoying reading your blog, really - I have favorite'd about 12 or so people and you're one of them. THANKS!

Shuchong said...

Way to not curl up in a little ball and cry, like I would have done. I hope everything works out!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say how much sympathy I have for you right now. If I lived near you instead of so many miles away, I would come over and help. What a terrible disaster. All I can do is wish you the best

Money Minder said...

I get tired just reading your posts! You sound like you have great friends and neighbours!

Glad the car is taken care of and that the fish may have found a new home.

I hope the carpet cleaner has good news for you and you don't need to re-carpet the place.

Keep at it, you're doing amazing :)

Over the Cubicle Wall said...

Very nice progress for all your hard work. I know seeing everything come together must be a big relief and load off your mind.

Anonymous said...

Hooray on the solution for the car! ;)

You're really doing a great job with all that has happened. Keep it up! I know you can do it!