The tenants' time is up at midnight tonight. They called at 2pm and said they couldn't reserve a U-Haul truck until first thing tomorrow. Tomorrow I am legally able to file for eviction (even though they aren't even living there, they just can't seem to get their stuff out).
If I file, I will have to find my short-term renters another place if that is even possible anymore. I don't want to call them. I promised them a place to stay. I will feel horrible if I don't have a house for them. I don't even care about the money any more. Letting them down is a terrible feeling.
This outcome is worse than I ever imagined it could be and I don't even know if my house is trashed yet. I drove by my house today. The blinds were hanging broken in one window and there is a car with flat tires in the driveway. How are they going to be able to move their stuff and that car? I think I should just accept the inevitable and file. This has been a very hard lesson. I just want it to be over.
All of it sounds so hard to deal with. I know it has to have taken a lot of strength to see it all unfold and still stay positive. Best of luck to you through the remainder.
Thanks for the support. It will be over soon.
I really hope they are out tomorrow..What a pain in the butt..When are your new renters supposed to be moving in? seems like I remember reading it at one point but can't remember :-/
Why would you be responsible for the new tenat's lodging if the old tenants aren't out in time? Is it AZ law? Just tell them what happened and that it is beyond your control. All they can really do is back out of the lease is my guess.
I think you will feel better if you are assertive about it and file for the eviction. Let them know what a disruption they are causing.
BTW I am in the process of renting out my house for the first time, it is scary. So far my most promising applicants have a 55 lb pit bull.
You know what I'm going to say.
File, ASAP.
I don't trust tenants unless I can read them face to face, but history predicts the future. Lies upon lies and excuses produce more excuses. I want results, not talk. Get them out and don't feel bad. Now they are being disrespectful of you and your new tenants.
Be sure to file a small claims when they finally move for damages, as well as 2 months rent. You'll spend a few hours to do it (take photos and document everything, even if it seems petty), you'll win, they'll never paid and you'll keep pursuing it (they'll have it hanging over their head for their entire lives). You do this so you can tell your next tenants the lengths you go to get a settlement and how you always win, so it becomes a warning.
Don't do any of this at your own peril. Being a landlord is for the thick skinned.
I've had them all and I've beat them all, you should too.
If the tenants are out but their stuff isn't maybe you could move it into storage temporarily, with their permission of course. Or maybe hire movers for them. That would cost you some money but it would be cheaper than losing your new renters.
Following on from tightfisted miser, you should also be able to claim this money back from them in small claims. Remember you deprived yourself of this house to help your future financial security.
I have everything crossed for you.
Is there a garage on the premisis? Could the remainder of their belongings go into the garage so you could change the locks and give the new tenants access?
These people sound like they have entitlement issues.
I hope today had some more positive events unfold for you.
Hi That's Me. My new tenants arrive on the 18th. I desperately need this weekend to get things fixed up. A month ago the current tenants told me they would be out by Jan 1st. That would have been great with the holiday and all. That ship has sailed.
Alex K, I am not legally responsible but I feel responsible for finding other lodging because the new tenants are only out here for a month for a show for their business. It's a huge event for the whole city and they reserved my house a year in advance. I really messed up by not giving myself enough time to get the current people moved out.
I am going to take my time screening the next tenants and do a credit check and background check like I should have done the first time. Good luck with the pit bull. Eek! But then I think there were around 3 dogs in my house and I only knew about one.
Thanks Chris L for all of your advice and help. I was able to get them to sign the bill for the back rent. If there are damages I will have to file seperately as small claims court has a limit of $2500 and they have reached that already.
People ask me if I am going to rent my house out again after this experience. I think I will after a while. I have learned so much I think I will be a much better landlord the next time.
TightFistedMiser, one of the strangest things about all of this is the tenants' reactions when I wanted to see the house or when I suggested that they could move their stuff in to the garage for a while or when I offered to send movers. They just don't want outsiders to see what ever they have in there. Very strange.
Thanks Lizzie. Yes, I believe I will end up in court one way or another. I'd rather it be over money than involve them holding my house hostage.
Money Minder, putting their stuff in the garage was the first thing that I offered. They didn't like that idea. I really want to know what they have that is so secret. Perhaps they are interested in some sort of secret horticulture. Shame on me...I'm starting rumors :)
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