I am bummed that I am spending my last day off worrying about my rental house. I know, I am choosing to worry. I am trying very hard not to worry. I got the phone call that I was expecting today from my tenants. Their new apartment smells like cats so the carpets will be cleaned tomorrow and it needs a new fridge. This, of course, delays their moving out of my house by a day, or two, or three. If they are out by Wednesday I will be ecstatic. If not, I will start the long eviction process.
Enough about that. It's back to work for me tomorrow. I haven't been grocery shopping in weeks and I have very little food but no motivation to go grocery shopping. I think I can survive on spaghetti for lunch every day. Why not give my co-workers something to tease me about in 2009? They think I have strange eating habits anyway.
how awful for you Daizy. I hope they move out!!
Hang in there. I think worry is ok as long as you act on it. Sounds like you are, so that is good.
I am about the same on grocery shopping. I need to, but I just don't want to right now.
Thanks Laura. If they are telling the truth, perhaps progress is being made...slowly.
Over the Cubicle Wall, instead of grocery shopping tonight I threw the old food out so that I knew exactly what I have....turns out, I don't have much!
Do you believe them? That's the key question.
Well, the next legal step can't be done until thurs. I talked to a friend who evicted a tenant a couple of months ago. He said the deputy told him not to enter the house for any reason until they hand over the keys. I also learned that I can't shut the utilities off until after I file. I am prepared for the worse but hoping for the best.
I don't know about those tenants, but I am absolutely sure that you will survive the week on spaghetti, and maybe even be a better person for doing so!
Hello bugbear. Yes, I rather enjoy spaghetti with cheese. I always have it on hand. Quick and easy.
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