After 2 days of blissful free time last weekend I went in to work and stared at my computer for 9 mind-numbing hours. I looked at my mortgage spreadsheet and fantasized about quitting NOW. I added up all of the money in my emergency fund, vacation fund, rent fund, stock fund and estimated how much I could get if I sold my RV. The total came to approximately $25,000. Then I subtracted that from my mortgage to see how many years I would have left if I let the renters pay the mortgage...still 5 long years. Too long. I can't quit yet. If I work one more year then I could quit and have only one year left on the mortgage. But, after next year I will only have 8 months left if I keep working. Then if I continue working, the fun starts as I will be able to save a bunch of money for my projects and various trips. I have to stick with it no matter how far away the reward seems at times. Last year at this time I was just starting my mortgage plan and look how far I've come. I just need to keep at it and try hard not to get discouraged.
I think about the exact same kind of thing. I have to force myself to stop doing all that thinking, but still do all the stuff I need to do to get there. I don't know if this makes sense, but I find that I am happier focusing on what I need to do rather than where I want to get to.
Yup, thinking about what I would rather be doing makes work more difficult. Little goals are more motivating. My next little goal is to make it thru one more day of work this week!
When you do stop working, what have you planed for medical insurance? This is the killer on not working. My medical insurance runs meover $600 a month and that is with a $5,000 deductable. I am still working at 64. My house has been paid off for years.
Hello Dianne, what part of the country are you in? For my current age and location, a quote on ehealthinsurance.com for a PPO with $1,500 deductable with a health savings account, costs $130/month. That is factored in to my semi-retirement budget. I do realise that the cost will go up every year. I plan to have a part time job as well but something enjoyable. I do hope you enjoy your job!
Hi Daizy-yes, you have come a long way and just need to hang on in there!! I hope you can keep motivated for the short term to experience the long term gains!
Daizy if your job is miserable you should really consider changing jobs. I speak from experience, as I had a stressful, miserable job for 3 years after college. I found a different one and have been much happier ever since.
What type of work do you do?
Hi Daizy
Is there no other work around that wouldnt drive you mad? I am not sure that your job is worth it if you hate it this much.
Hop eyou enjoy your Christmas break
Thanks Sharon Rose. I know I will get discouraged many more times but the important thing is to keep going forward!
Thanks for the comment Alex K. I have considered changing jobs but my biggest problem is that I don't know what I want to do. If I can get rid of my mortgage I will have the freedom to try many other jobs without the fear of having my house taken by the bank. Sticking with this plan for a little while longer seems like the best alternative. Oh, and my field is drafting.
Hi Lizzie! I'm just ranting :) I have a love/hate relationship with my job...love the paychecks/hate getting up in the morning. It's not all bad. If I tried changing jobs in this economy I would probably end up living in my sister's basement!
Sometimes the best thing is just to resolve to hang in there for another week or month. That can get you through the real tough times and the next thing you know things are feeling a lot easier and lighter.
merry xmas!
Hi bugbear. I get discouraged all the time. It's a good week if I don't feel like quitting. I'm always looking for incentives to get me through the day...plus the fear of unemployment is a great motivator.
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