I haven't even started my mobile home renovation and I am spending money all over the place. I paid for the shed today. That was $900. It will be delivered on Thursday for another $325 or more. The road grader called tonight and said he charges $80 an hour with a 3 hour minimum. I can't afford that on my own so I put up a sign to ask the neighbors if they want to chip in. I only think one neighbor might contribute. If no one does then I can't afford to fix the road right now. I'll just have to hope the shed delivery man can get down the road the way it is.

I was browsing through craig's list and I found a 1,000 gallon water tank for $650. Since I only use rainwater collected from the roof for my water supply, I love water tanks. $650 is a really good price too and it is on my side of town. But alas, I am out of money. I need to stop looking at craig's list. It just makes me want to buy more stuff. NO MORE STUFF!
The next step is to clean and sort the STUFF in the mobile home. This does not cost anything except my time. Progress will be slow but that is ok. I have managed to incorporate the shed purchase in to my mortgage re-payment plan with only a one month set back. The current plan is 1 year and 10 months until mortgage re-payment..at least that's what it is until I go on a wild spending spree to deck out the mobile home with marble tile and granite counter tops! That would be a little over the top, wouldn't it?
Wow you're so close to being done with your mortgage, congrats! I'm excited to see your shed development too. You ever watch that show where they move a house - very scary stuff. Good luck!
Hi there-you are doing really well-focusing on giving your time to sorting out what you have is definitely the way to go at the moment!
Its so easy to spot bargains and get drawn in. Best to keep away from the ads for a while
This is the magical forest, just down the road from us. Ponies go wherever they please!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Forest
A mobile home with marble tile and granite counter tops is border line over the top. If your shed ends up with those same features, the top is no longer even in the picture.
Yes sallie's niece, I have seen that show where they run in to power lines and street lights. I don't think my shed will have that problem...I hope. 1 yr and 10 months seems really close but if I keep spending money it will still be 1 yr and 10 months, ten years from now!
Hi sharon rose, I hope start that chore this weekend, I have no more excuses!
lizzie, I must put the magical forest on my travel list. Can you ride the ponies or do they frown on that?
over the cubicle wall...but I would only need a little bit of marble and a little bit of granite...doesn't that make it frugal?
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