Guess what! I paid off my air plane ticket for Thanksgiving. I can eat again! I had been carrying a surplus from the summer months, $240. I was subtracting $100 every month when I had extra money and putting it towards the mortgage. Well, Since I got a raise in September, I re-worked my budget to include $1,400 a month. That is an additional $100 from my budget surplus and $100 from my raise. Now my October payment has been planned for so I don't need that extra $240. I already had $160 in my travel fund so the ticket is covered!
It did help a lot that my only extra spending for September was $8 for a windshield repair kit and I only spent $72 on food by eating what was already in my pantry and freezer. I'm going to have to buy more food soon but I might be able to make it through October. This weekend I am going to try the farmer's market for the first time. It's only open on Saturdays from 9-2. I usually don't get out of the house on Saturday mornings and if I do I am going somewhere else and the market is closed by the time I come back. This Saturday it is my goal. My own tomatoes and squash aren't producing and store bought produce is, well, blah, so I have high hopes for the farmer's market. I'm hoping for good food, good prices and something to make my ramen noodles a little more exciting.
how much earlier will your morgage be paid off?
Well, my original goal was 4 years from last January. Now I am hoping for 2 years from now. That's 2 years and 9 months from last January. But my schedule is flexible. I don't want to be disappointed if I don't have renters for my house consistently. Best case scenario is 1 year 10 months.
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