Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I Wanna Be A Snowbird

My sister and my Mom often ask me when I am moving to Washington State. Um, in a few years, maybe. Perhaps I'll be a snowbird. 6 months in Washington for summer, 6 months in Arizona for winter or something like that. They live in a tiny town with few employment opportunities. The biggest employers are the mill, a pellet stove factory and Super Walmart I think. Other jobs include nurse's aides (never again!), waitresses, and maids. I could pick fruit for a summer job. I'd try that once.

The other big reason is that I hate dealing with snow. If I move up there I don't want to HAVE TO go out on an icy road for a job. I want to be able to look outside, admire the snow, and stay indoors. It snows here in Tucson once or twice a year. Everyone runs outside, makes a small snowman, has a short snowball fight, takes pictures and it melts by 10am. That's the way I like it.

I really wish I could see my family more but with 2 weeks vacation from my current job, I can only visit twice a year for a week. Actually a week is long enough sometimes :) If I had more financial freedom perhaps I could buy a small travel trailer and park it next to my parent's house. That way I would have my own mini-home when visiting and I could bring my cat for extended stays.(My parent's don't allow indoor pets because of allergies) Having my own place would make a longer visit more fun. There wouldn't be any children asking for soda when I get a drink from the fridge and I could watch TV when I felt like it or surf the web without someone watching over my shoulder. After living alone for so long, living with others is quite a shock. My other idea was to buy a class C truck camper so that I always had my home with me and my cat can ride along.

The good thing is that I don't have to pick just one idea. I can try the truck camper idea, then try the stationary trailer, then maybe I'll love it so much up there I will sell my Arizona property and buy a house in Washington. That will be part of the fun of financial freedom. There are many possibilities and I can try them all.


Anonymous said...

I could definitely get used to that lifestyle. Here in the South we see snow once every few years, and it rarely even accumulates enough for a snowball. Wouldn't mind living somewhere with actual seasons, and being able to control where you were for various seasons would be the ultimate freedom!

Daizy said...

When I lived in an RV park in Yuma Arizona it filled up with Canadians every winter. It was funny to see them in there shorts all winter and I thought it was cold.

Yep, 'visiting' the seasons sounds good to me.

Sallie's Niece said...

That's too bad you can't bring your cat with you when you go. I was away this weekend and missed my cat terribly! Were you born in Washington State?

Daizy said...

Hi Sallie's Niece. Don't worry, I'll find a way to bring my cat if I go away for more than a week. Even if I have to buy a little $2000 travel trailer to keep her in at my parent's house. I need a hideout with a lock anyway because my parent's are raising 2 grandkids who love to wake me up early and I'm not a morning person.

I grew up in S. California thus the aversion to snow.